Example of a Bill for the Remunerated Passenger Transportation Sector
A sample bill for the remunerated passenger transportation sector is shown below. The sample presents the prescribed information that must appear on each bill you produce using a certified sales recording system (SRS).
You must ensure that the information shown on your bills that is generated by your certified SRS is up to date and error-free. If corrections must be made to your SRS so you can comply with the obligations, contact the developer.
Along with the prescribed information, a bill can include other information you consider relevant (such as a phone number, logo or slogan). The additional information is optional and not sent to us. So you can decide not to include it on the bill.
- The prescribed information below and its position in the example are consistent with bills produced using a second-generation certified SRS.
- If the bill is produced by a salaried chauffeur, the prescribed information that must appear on the bill is their employer's information.
Prescribed information
- The name you do business under (as entered in the Registre des entreprises, if applicable).
You can add the user name or your business contact information, such as its address and phone number. In the remunerated passenger transportation sector, the bill total is often shown in large type here. - The time you or the user sent us the prescribed information, and for a credit note, the time it was given to the customer, if different from the time it was sent.
- The number that identifies the transaction in your SRS.
- A sufficiently detailed description of the remunerated passenger transportation service, including information on the type of billing (taximeter, odometer, etc.), the discount granted, if applicable, and the dues amount payable.
- A note that taxes apply to the remunerated passenger transportation service (F for GST, P for QST).
- The subtotal before taxes.
- Your QST registration number.
- Your GST registration number.
- For closing receipts, the payment method used by the customer to pay for the trip.
- For credit notes, the customer's name (note that the example given does not contain this information).
- A line of equal signs (=) immediately preceding the information below, which must be shown in this order.
- GST amount.
- QST amount.
- The total amount of the bill, which is the GST, QST, price of the trip and the dues (subtotal).
If applicable, the adjusted amount, amount due, current payment, sum of past payments, balance and tip. - A note on the document such as “PAIEMENT REÇU” or “FACTURE ORIGINALE.”
- The QR code with a web address. For electronic documents, a link with a note that says: “Consulter la transaction en ligne.”
- The time we process the information sent by the SRS.
- The transaction number we send you.
- The device's unique identifier used to initialize the transaction.
- A line of equal signs (=).
Before the first line of equal signs or after the second line, you can add content such as a thank you note or survey.