Amounts to be Sent
For each transaction, you must send us:
- the amount before taxes;
- the GST amount;
- the QST amount;
- the amount after taxes.
The amount before taxes (the subtotal) must include all amounts to be paid (except the taxes), including any service charges.
You must also send the following amounts, if applicable.
Adjusted amount
The adjusted amount is applicable to the after-tax amount. It can be a coupon, a refund, an adjustment due to phasing out of the penny, etc.
Instalment payments
If your customer pays in several instalments, a transaction can be sent for each instalment received. In this case, you must send us the following amounts:
- the current instalment;
- the total of all previous instalments;
- the balance due.
Note that each transaction sent for a new payment must refer to the preceding payment transaction.