Types of Transactions
Four types of transactions must always be entered in your sales recording system (SRS) and then sent to the WEB-SRM.
Temporary bill (original bill)
This type of transaction must be used if payment has not yet been received. The document produced is a bill that shows the customer what they must pay. It must show the prescribed information available at the time it is produced. The temporary bill must say “ FACTURE ORIGINALE.”
This type of transaction must conclude with a closing receipt.
This type of transaction is used when you are only able to provide an estimate of certain information, such as the price of a contract. In this case, you must send us the estimated information.
You do not have to give the customer a document, but if you do, it must say “ESTIMATION DES RENSEIGNEMENTS.”
This type of transaction must conclude with a closing receipt.
This type of transaction can be used when you present a potential customer with the conditions of your service offer. The document produced must show the prescribed information available at the time it is produced. The quote must say “SOUMISSION.”
This type of transaction must conclude with a closing receipt if the customer accepts the quote submitted.
Closing receipt or credit note
This type of transaction must be used when a sale is closed or a credit note is produced. All prescribed information, including the payment method or a note stating that the amount has been charged to the customer's account, must be sent with the transaction.
When a closing receipt follows a quote, an estimate or a temporary bill, it must always contain a reference to the previous transaction. A credit note must also always contain a reference to the associated transaction.
The document must say “ PAIEMENT REÇU ” or “NOTE DE CRÉDIT,” unless the payment method used is “Porté au compte.”
If you need to make a change to a credit note or closing receipt after sending it to us (a change in payment method, for example), you must use the modification/correction function of your SRS.