Summary of Mandatory Billing Obligations in the Restaurant Sector
If you are registered for the QST and are subject to the mandatory billing measures in the restaurant sector, you must:
- have the required equipment, configure it and keep it in good working order;
- send us the prescribed information using your certified sales recording system (SRS);
- give customers bills or credit notes produced using your certified SRS;
- take into account information specific to your sector of activity;
- keep records and supporting documents for six years after the last year they cover.
If you are not registered for the QST, see Obligations of Persons That Are Not QST Regisrants.
Additional obligations of certain persons
You have other obligations if you are in any of the following situations.
Operator who holds a bar permit
If you operate a restaurant establishment where alcoholic beverages are provided under a bar permit, you may have special obligations.
For more information, see Additional Obligations of Bar Operators.
SRM user
If you are still using a sales recording module (SRM), you are required to produce and file a Sommaire périodique des ventes (periodic sales summary) with us each month.
For more information on how the IT solution works, see Users of a Sales Recording Module.