Print Modes
When you complete a transaction, you must specify the print mode in your WEB-SRM-compatible certified sales recording system (SRS).
The print modes are described below. Note that they do not have the same requirements, are not interchangeable and do not serve the same purpose.
- Cancellation (“Annulation”): Select this print mode for a transaction that is incomplete and you want to cancel the entered information. In this situation, the transaction must be sent to us with the information already entered, even though the customer does not receive the bill.
- Bill (“Facturation”): Select this print mode if the transaction involves a document other than a reproduction (such as a temporary bill or a closing receipt) that is intended for the customer.
- Reproduction: Select this print mode when you print another copy of a document at the customer's request. The footer of the customer's copy says “REPRODUCTION.”
- Duplicate (“Duplicata”): Select this print mode if you want to make a copy of a bill or credit note already produced, to facilitate bookkeeping, for example. This copy is not a reproduction, but rather a duplicate, because it is your copy and must never be given to the customer. The duplicate's footer says “***COPIE DU COMMERÇANT***” and “NE PAS REMETTRE AU CLIENT.”
- Failure to pay (“Parti sans payer”): Select this print mode when a customer leaves without paying or refuses to pay the bill. In this situation, all prescribed data must be sent to us, but no bill is printed for the customer. You must also select “Aucun paiement.” If you print a duplicate of the bill for your records, it must say “PAIEMENT NON REÇU.”
You cannot print or send the same bill or credit note more than once using a technological means, but you can print a copy for the customer.
A reproduction or duplicate of the bill or credit note can only be produced using a certified SRS.
Print option
You must select the print option from this list:
- paper (the document is printed on paper);
- electronic (the document is produced electronically);
- combined paper and electronic (the document is printed on paper and an electronic copy is also produced; the electronic document will say “Copie électronique”).
- not printed.