Configuring the Sales Recording System
So that your certified sales recording system (SRS) can communicate with the WEB-SRM, you need a mandatory billing file number and an authorization code to configure your SRS and obtain a digital certificate.
You must use the same file number and authorization code to configure all of the SRSs at your business or one of its establishments.
See below to find out how to obtain your file number and authorization code based on your situation.
To obtain a file number and an authorization code for your business or one of its establishments, you have to ask us to open an operator file. You can:
- use the online service in My Account for businesses;
- complete the Application to Open, Close or Change an Operator File (FO-350.DE-V); or
- use the Register for the GST/HST and QST – Drivers for a Transportation System Operator Under Agreement online service, if you are not already registered for the GST/HST and QST and you want to become a driver for a transportation system operator under agreement such as Uber.
If you are currently using one or more sales recording modules (SRMs) in your restaurant establishment, you already have a mandatory billing file number. You do not need to request another one.
To get an authorization code, complete form (FO-350.CA-V), Application to Obtain an Authorization Code for a Restaurant Establishment. If you need to get an authorization code quickly, contact us.
Your authorization code is confidential. You are responsible for its use and must keep it in a secure location.
Configuring the SRS allows you to:
- implement the necessary security measures to protect the confidential information shared online;
- identify the SRS and user account for each transaction sent to us.
Required information to configure your SRS
You will need the following information to configure your SRS:
- the name under which you do business and that is shown on your bills;
- the user's first and last name or the name of your business or establishment;
- your business's or establishment's mandatory billing file number, composed of two letters and four numbers (e.g. TR0001 for a remunerated passenger transportation business and ER0001 for a restaurant establishment);
- the QST registration number of your business or establishment (e.g. 1234567890TQ0001);
- the GST registration number of your business or establishment (e.g. 123456789RT0001);
- your authorization code (e.g. X9X9-X9X9);
- the name you want to give your digital certificate so it can be identified if it's revoked in the event of equipment breakage or theft, and which is shown in My Account for businesses (e.g. ABC SRS);
- the province (QC) and country (CA) abbreviation for your business's or establishment's address;
- the coordinated universal time (UTC) for your business's or establishment's address (e.g. -05:00 or -04:00 for the Îles-de-la-Madeleine).