Netiquette Policy
The main objective of our social media presence is to interact with the public and provide taxpayers with quality information, stress the importance of meeting tax obligations, and promote our services and career opportunities.
We will not answer any questions about an individual's or a business's tax file or disclose any personal information via social media or instant messaging. Such questions must be addressed to our client services.
Rules of conduct
We intend for our social media exchanges to be respectful and courteous. To that end, we will not tolerate any content that:
- is defamatory, hateful, racist, xenophobic, sexist, vulgar, obscene, threatening, insulting, offensive, abusive, incomprehensible or off-topic;
- is repeated or is unjustifiably written in capital letters;
- constitutes advertising or propaganda;
- contains personal or confidential information regarding you or a third party (tax-related or otherwise);
- promotes or discredits an individual, an organization, a product or a political party;
- reveals the identity of one of our employees without their consent (by name, in a photograph, or through any other means).
Accordingly, we reserve the right to:
- remove any such content without prior notice;
- report and ban or block users in accordance with the procedures of the various social media platforms;
- remove any information we consider sensitive or unnecessary for understanding a message.
Rest assured that we will read all comments and questions carefully. However, we reserve the right to not reply systematically to every message we receive.
Protection of personal information
Keep in mind that social media applications, content sharing websites and blogs are public spaces. Anything you post on such sites and in public chat sessions can be read by everyone. Also keep in mind that instant messaging services do not always use a secure communications network. Your messages could be read or intercepted by others. To minimize the risk of revealing sensitive or personal information, we recommend that you be careful and selective when you share personal experiences. Be careful not to reveal personal or sensitive information about yourself or others on social media.
When you use social media to interact with us, we recommend that you use a pseudonym and that you never share personal information (such as your address, full name, telephone number, birth date, social insurance number and financial information) to minimize the risk of identity theft or of having your information intercepted by an ill-intentioned person .
You should also be aware that our social media accounts, including instant messaging, are not housed on our servers. Depending on traffic, data may travel through servers abroad on its way to your computer. Before interacting with us on a social media platform, be sure to read the service provider's confidentiality policy:
- Facebook data policy
- Twitter privacy policy
- YouTube (Google) confidentiality rules
- LinkedIn confidentiality policy
See the How to Use our Online Services Securely page for more ways to protect your personal information.
Authenticity of content
You must make sure that any content you publish is authentic and does not violate the rights of a third party (copyright, confidentiality, etc.).
You can post links to other Web pages, provided the content of those pages is relevant to the topic being discussed. That said, we do not endorse the content of any third-party pages.
As stated above, advertising and spam will not be tolerated.
Subjects not addressed via social media
We will not answer any questions concerning the following subjects via social media. Instead, see our website.
- Complaints
- Public relations
- Access to information requests
- Career opportunities
We generally manage our social media accounts on weekdays during regular business hours. Those hours may, however, be extended in an emergency situation, in which case priority is given to the more pressing information. As a result, when such a situation occurs, ongoing discussions on other subjects may be delayed or suspended.
To report abuse or to comment on our use of social media, write to [email protected]. We will reply as quickly as possible.
Conditions for use
In addition to complying with our netiquette policy, you must respect the conditions for use of the various social media platforms, which you can view by clicking the links below.
Note that we have no control over the advertisements that appear automatically on these platforms and thus do not endorse their content.
In addition, following a Twitter account, Facebook page or LinkedIn profile does not mean that we support or endorse the views and opinions expressed therein. Likewise, retweeting or sharing content does not mean that we endorse the views or opinions of the author. Neither does it signal a change in Revenu Québec's position.
We reserve the right to block or revoke the access rights of any follower whose words or actions we deem to be inappropriate.
Lastly, as social media evolves at a lightning pace, we reserve the right to change our social media or netiquette policy or to close a social media account without prior notice.