3. Other income (box O of the RL-1 slip) [Line 154]
The following amounts, shown in box O of your RL-1 slips, must be reported on line 154:
- labour adjustment benefits;
- income assistance payments;
- a retiring allowance (may also be shown in box G-5 of your RL-16 slip);
- patronage dividends from a cooperative;
- a death benefit paid by an employer on the death of an employee, in recognition of services rendered by the employee in carrying out the duties of an office or employment. This may include unused sick leave credits accumulated by the employee. This benefit, which may be shown in box G-6 of the RL-16 slip, should not be confused with the death benefit paid by Retraite Québec (see the instructions for line 119). For more information, contact us.
If you are the sole beneficiary of a death benefit for a deceased person, you are entitled to an exemption of up to $10,000, whether the benefit is paid to you in one year or over several years. If you are not the sole beneficiary of the benefit, contact us to find out the exemption to which you are entitled. The amount of the exemption to which you are entitled may be shown in box G-7 of your RL-16 slip; - amounts received under a supplementary unemployment benefit plan;
- amounts received under a retirement compensation arrangement, which may be considered eligible retirement income, a part of which you can transfer to your spouse if you are 65 or older (see "Eligible retirement income" under the instructions for line 122). These amounts are identified by the code “RQ” in the “Code (case O)” box of the RL-1 slip;
- amounts received under a registered education savings plan (RESP). These amounts are identified by the code “RU” in the “Code (case O)” box of the RL-1 slip. If the educational assistance payments (EAPs) you received included Québec education savings incentive (QESI) amounts totalling more than the cumulative limit of $3,600, you may have to pay a special tax. See point 1 in the instructions for line 443.
If you are the subscriber under an RESP, or the spouse, former spouse or heir of the subscriber, and you received accumulated income payments under the RESP, which are identified by the code “RV” in the “Code (case O)” box of the RL-1 slip, enter the amount of the payments on line 154. Note that you may have to pay a special tax. See point 2 in the instructions for line 443; the net amount of research grants. To calculate the net amount of a research grant received in 2024, subtract the total of the following expenses (up to the amount of the grant) from the amount shown in this respect in box O of your RL-1 slip:
- expenses incurred in 2023, after you obtained confirmation that you would receive the grant,
- expenses incurred in 2024, and
- expenses incurred in 2025.
The expenses must have been incurred to carry out the research concerned and must not have been used to reduce the amount of a research grant received for a year other than 2024.
You cannot subtract your personal expenses or basic living expenses from the amount of the grant (except travel expenses, which include expenses for meals and lodging). Do not take into account expenses for which you were reimbursed or that you are deducting elsewhere in your return.
If, in 2024, you incurred expenses respecting a grant that was included in your income for 2023, you can deduct these expenses from your income for 2023, as long as you do not use them to reduce the amount of a grant received in 2024. To do so, complete form TP-1012.B-V, Carry-Back of a Deduction or Tax Credit, and file it separately from your return.
Supporting documents
Enclose a detailed statement of your expenses with your return.- the amount of the Apprentice Incentive Grant;
- the amount of the Apprenticeship Completion Grant;
- benefits paid to the parents of a crime victim. Such amounts are identified by the code “CD” in the “Code (case O)” box of the RL-1 slip.