478 – Refund
Since we only start processing returns at the beginning of March, wait until the beginning of April before contacting us about your refund. If you file your return after March 31, 2025, wait four weeks before contacting us. For more information, see Refund.
If you are registered for My Account for individuals, you can use it to view your income tax return information for the current year and the status of your return. If you are not registered, you can use the Refund Info-Line.
Refund Info-Line
To find out when your refund was sent, call the Refund Info-Line at one of the following numbers:
- 418 654-9754 (Québec City)
- 514 864-3689 (Montréal)
- 1 888 811-7362 (toll-free)
You will have to provide your social insurance number, your date of birth and the amount on line 199 of your return (excluding cents).
There is also a Refund Info-Line online service on our website.
Direct deposit
If you have an account at a financial institution with an establishment in Canada, you can register for direct deposit to have us deposit your refund directly into your account when we send your notice of assessment (or sooner, if you request an accelerated refund).
To find out how to register for direct deposit, cancel your registration or change your account information, see Direct Deposit of Your Refund.