10.3 to 10.5 – Notifications
How they work
We can send you email and/or text notifications (whichever you prefer) if certain incidents occur in your file. A detailed message will be sent to your inbox in My Account for individuals.
We may send you notifications if:
- A change is made to your personal (including banking) information.
- We detect abnormal activity regarding your file.
How to sign up
To sign up for notifications:
- Complete lines 10.3 through 10.5 of your return.
- Enter your cell phone number (Canadian number only) on line 10 and/or your email address on line 10.1.
- Make sure you are registered for My Account.
You will stay subscribed to notifications until you unsubscribe.
Email and text notifications are sent free of charge. However, charges may apply based on your service contract.
Changed your mind ?
You can unsubscribe from notifications or change your preferences (text or email) at any time in My Account or by contacting us.