241 – Deduction for exploration and development expenses
You can deduct Canadian or foreign exploration or development expenses and Canadian oil and gas property expenses. To find out how much you can deduct, see your RL-11 slip and refer to document RL-15.EX, Instructions pour les membres de la société de personnes (for instructions in English, see documents RL-11-T and RL-15.EX-T).
Do not include the following on line 241:
- the deduction for Québec exploration expenses that give entitlement to the additional deduction for Québec resources (this amount is to be entered on line 250);
- the additional deduction for Québec resources (this amount is to be entered on line 287);
- the deduction for share- and security-issue expenses related to Québec resources that were waived in your favour (this amount is to be entered on line 297).
If you are claiming a deduction for exploration and development expenses, see the instructions for line 260 and complete Schedule N.