1 to 9 - Last name, first name and address
If you received an identification label, place it in the appropriate space on your return—even if some of the information on the label is incorrect. If the name is incorrect, complete lines 1 and 2 and contact us (see “To contact us” below).
If the name is correct but you want to make a change, contact us as soon as possible.
If the address is incorrect, complete lines 7 through 9.
Change of address after you file your return
If you expect to move after filing your return, contact us as soon as possible. If you want to notify us by mail, send us a letter with your social insurance number, your new address, the date of your move and your signature.
For more information, see Change of Address.
Changing your language of communication
If you want to change your language of communication, leave the boxes on line 5 blank and contact us.
To contact us
To notify us of any of the above situations, you can contact us:
- online using My Account for individuals;
- by mail, at either of the following addresses:
- Direction principale des relations avec la clientèle des particuliers
Revenu Québec
C. P. 3000, succursale Place-Desjardins
Montréal (Québec) H5B 1A4 - Direction principale des relations avec la clientèle des particuliers
Revenu Québec
3800, rue de Marly
Québec (Québec) G1X 4A5
- Direction principale des relations avec la clientèle des particuliers
- by phone, at 1 800 267-6299 (toll-free).