480 – Accelerated refund
If you request an accelerated refund, you will receive it before your return is even processed. However, the amount of your refund could change further to the review of your return.
You can request an accelerated refund if you meet all of the following conditions:
- You are claiming a refund of $3,000 or less (line 474).
- You filed an income tax return for the 2023 taxation year.
- Your name, social insurance number and marital status have not changed since you filed your 2023 return.
- You do not have any outstanding debts with the government under any of the laws listed in the instructions for line 474.
- You do not have any outstanding debts under the Act to facilitate the payment of support.
- You did not declare bankruptcy after 2023.
- You are filing your 2024 return before May 1, 2025 or, if you or your spouse is reporting business income, before June 16, 2025.
Please note that we can refuse to grant an accelerated refund.
To request an accelerated refund, carry the amount from line 478 to line 480. Please note that it may take longer, in this case, to issue your notice of assessment. Likewise, if you authorized us to share information about you with other government departments or agencies for the purposes of certain assistance programs (such as financial assistance for students or for childcare), please be advised that it could take longer for us to do so.
If, after a review of your return, we send you a notice of assessment showing a balance due, you may be required to pay interest on the balance.