128 – Taxable amount of dividends from taxable Canadian corporations
The taxable amount of dividends from taxable Canadian corporations is the total of the following amounts:
- the amount from box B of your RL-3 slip;
- the amount from box I of your RL-16 slip;
- the amount from box F of your RL-25 slip; and
- the amounts from boxes 6-1 to 6-3 of your RL-15 slip.
If you did not receive one or more of the above-mentioned RL slips, the amounts are shown on your T3, T4PS, T5 and T5013 slips.
If you did not receive RL slips or other information slips for certain dividends, you can determine the amount to be reported by multiplying the actual amount of the dividends by the following rates:
- 138% for eligible dividends;
- 115% for ordinary dividends.
If you do not know what type of dividends you received, contact the payer of the dividends.
Reporting dividends
To report dividends, enter:
- the taxable amount of all your dividends on line 128;
- the actual amount of all your eligible dividends on line 166;
- the actual amount of all your ordinary dividends on line 167.