214 – RRSP or PRPP/VRSP deduction
The amount you can deduct for contributions that you made to your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), to a spousal RRSP or to a pooled registered pension plan (PRPP), including a voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP), corresponds to the RRSP or PRPP deduction entered on line 20800 of your federal income tax return for 2024.
In the federal income tax return, the term “pooled registered pension plan (PRPP)” refers to both PRPPs and VRSPs.
Transfer to an RRSP or to a PRPP/VRSP
If the amount on line 20800 of your federal income tax return includes amounts deducted as transfers, do not take them into account on line 214. Enter them on line 250 instead.
Repayment of amounts withdrawn from an RRSP under the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) or the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) [line 212]
If you made RRSP or PRPP/VRSP contributions in 2024 or the first 60 days of 2025 and withdrew amounts from an RRSP in previous years under the HBP or the LLP, you can designate an amount as a repayment on line 212.
The minimum repayment required in 2024 is shown on the most recent notice of assessment, notice of reassessment or statement of account that the federal government sent you. If you are not repaying the minimum amount, see point 10 in the instructions for line 154.
Please note that the amount you designate must not have been deducted on line 214 or 250 of your 2023 or 2024 return.
Form to enclose
Repayment of RRSP Funds Withdrawn Under the Home Buyers' Plan or the Lifelong Learning Plan (TP-935.3-V)