Your Situation
- Artists
- Authorization or Power of Attorney
- Bankruptcy
- Capital Gains FAQ
- Caregivers
- Change of Name, Gender, Date of Birth or Social Insurance Number
- Dealing with a Death
- Deductions – Employment Expenses
- Direct Deposit
- Disabled Individuals
- Employees Who Receive Tips
- First Nations Members
- Fishers and Farmers
- Income Earned Outside Québec
- Landlord
- Liquidators of a Succession
- Low Income
- Members of a Partnership
- Moving
- New Residents
- Parents and Future Parents
- Purchase, Sale, Flipping, Rental or Renovation of a Property
- RL-18 Slip
- Residence Status and Income Tax
- Residents of Remote Areas
- Securities
- Seniors 60 and Older
- Separation or Divorce
- Short-Term Accommodations
- Single-Parent Families
- Students and Recent Graduates
- Income Tax Return
Tax Credits for Individuals
- Age Amount, Amount for a Person Living Alone and Amount for Retirement Income
- Amount for Other Dependants
- Amount for a Severe and Prolonged Impairment in Mental or Physical Functions
- Amounts for a Child Enrolled in Post-Secondary Studies
- Dividend Tax Credit
- Expenses for Medical Services Not Available in Your Area
- Foreign Tax Credit
- Grant for Seniors to Offset a Municipal Tax Increase
- Home Buyers' Tax Credit
- Interest Paid on a Student Loan
- Medical Expenses
- Personne aidante
- Property Tax Refund for Forest Producers
- QST Rebate for Employees and Partners
- Québec Education Savings Incentive
- Refundable Tax Credit for Medical Expenses
- Senior Assistance Tax Credit
- Solidarity Tax Credit
- Tax Credit for Adoption Expenses
- Tax Credit for Career Extension
- Tax Credit for Caregivers
- Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses
- Tax Credit for Children's Activities
- Tax Credit for Contributions to Authorized Québec Political Parties
- Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors
- Tax Credit for Income from an Income-Averaging Annuity for Artists
- Tax Credit for Interest on a Loan Granted by a Seller-Lender and Guaranteed by La Financière agricole du Québec
- Tax Credit for Recent Graduates Working in Remote Resource Regions
- Tax Credit for Top-Level Athletes
- Tax Credit for Tuition or Examination Fees
- Tax Credit for Tuition or Examination Fees Transferred by a Child
- Tax Credit for Union, Professional or Other Dues
- Tax Credit for Volunteer Firefighters and Search and Rescue Volunteers
- Tax Credit for a Labour-Sponsored Fund
- Tax Credit for an On-the-Job Training Period
- Tax Credit for the Beneficiary of a Designated Trust
- Tax Credit for the Income Tax Paid by an Environmental Trust – Individuals
- Tax Credit for the Repayment of Benefits
- Tax Credit for the Reporting of Tips – Individuals
- Tax Credit for the Treatment of Infertility
- Tax Credit for the Upgrading of Residential Waste Water Treatment Systems
- Tax Credits for Donations and Gifts
- Tax Credits for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (R&D)
- Tax Credits for the Acquisition of Capital Régional et Coopératif Desjardins Shares
- Tax Shield
- Work Premium Tax Credits
- Adjustment of Deductions
- Other Employment Expenses or Deductions
- Moving Expenses
- Deduction for the Purchase of Tools
- Deduction for the Purchase of an Income-Averaging Annuity for Artists
- Deduction for Shares Received in Exchange for Mining Property
- Support-Payment Arrears
- Deduction for Assistance Received for the Payment of Tuition Fees
- Deduction for Professional Liability Insurance
- Deduction for Scholarships, Bursaries or Similar Financial Assistance
- Deductions for Certain Income
- Deduction for Foreign Researchers
- Deduction for Foreign Researchers on a Post-Doctoral Internship
- Deduction for Amounts Contributed to the Québec Pension Plan (QPP) and the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) on Income from Self-Employment
- Deduction for Copyright Income
- Deduction for Employees of an International Financial Centre (IFC)
- Deduction for Employees of Certain International Organizations
- Income-Averaging Deduction for Forest Producers
- Deduction for Foreign Experts
- Deduction for Share- and Security-Issue Expenses Related to Québec Resources
- Deduction for Québec Exploration Expenses that Give Entitlement to an Additional Deduction
- Deduction for Exploration and Development Expenses
- Carrying Charges and Interest Expenses
- Deduction for Legal Fees (salary, wages, benefits)
- Deduction for Legal Fees (support payments, retiring allowance, notice of objection, appeal)
- Capital Gains Deduction
- Deduction for an Indian
- Canadian Forces Personnel and Police Deduction
- Income Averaging for Forest Producers
- Deduction for an Amount Already Included in Income (RRSP or RRIF)
- Deduction for Amounts Transferred to a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
- Deduction for Amounts Transferred to an RPP, an RRSP, a RRIF, a PRPP/VRSP or an Annuity
- Security Option Deduction
- Deduction for Residents of Designated Remote Areas
- Support Payments Made (Deductible Amount)
- Business Investment Loss
- Deduction for a Loss in the Value of Investments in an RRSP, a RRIF or a PRPP/VRSP
- Non-Capital Losses from Other Years
- Net Capital Losses from Other Years
- Deduction for Foreign Producers or Foreign Individuals Holding a Key Position in a Foreign Production Filmed in Québec
- Disability Supports Deduction
- Deduction for Foreign Professors
- RRSP or PRPP/VRSP Deduction
- Registered Pension Plan (RPP) Deduction
- Deduction for a Refund of Unused RRSP or PRPP/VRSP Contributions
- Deduction for a Repayment of Support
- Repayment of Social Assistance Payments or Similar Financial Assistance
- Deduction for a Social Benefits Repayment
- Deduction for the Repayment of a Salary, Wages or Wage Loss Replacement Benefits
- Deduction for a Repayment of Amounts Overpaid to You
- Deduction for the Repayment of a QESI Amount
- Repayment of Net Federal Supplements or Income Replacement Indemnities
- Repayment of a Scholarship, Bursary or Similar Financial Assistance
- Deduction for a Repayment of Income from a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
- Deduction for a Repayment of the Universal Child Care Benefit
- Repayment of an Amount Included in Your Income for a Previous Year and Deducted from Your Taxable Income for that Year
- Residence Deduction for a Member of the Clergy or a Religious Order
- Deduction for Employment Income Earned on a Vessel
- Deduction for Income Exempt Under a Tax Treaty
- Deduction for Retirement Income Transferred to Your Spouse
- Deduction for Patronage Dividends Received from a Cooperative
- Deduction for Foreign Specialists
- Deduction for Workers
- Deduction for Foreign Farm Workers
- Deduction for the Cooperative Investment Plan (CIP)
- Additional Deduction for Québec Resources
- Expenses of an Employee Who Earns Commissions
- Mandatory Expenses of an Employee
- Expenses of a Salaried Musician
- Expenses of an Employee of a Transport Business or of an Employee Whose Duties Include Transporting Goods
- Expenses of a Forestry Worker
- Adjustment of Other Investment Expenses
- Adjustment of Investment Expenses
- Recovery of Deductions for Patronage Dividends Received from a Cooperative
- Repayment of Support
- Carry-Over of the Adjustment of Other Investment Expenses
- Carry-Over of the Adjustment of Investment Expenses
- Consumption Taxes
- Self-Employed Persons