Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses
The tax credit for childcare expenses is one of the tax measures intended for families. The tax credit rate is based on your family income, meaning your income plus that of your spouse (if applicable).
For more information about the tax credit, see the following pages:
- Requirements for Claiming the Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses
- Childcare Expenses that Qualify for the Tax Credit
- Childcare Expenses That Do Not Qualify for the Tax Credit
- Rates for the Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses – 2024
- Calculating the Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses
- Claiming the Tax Credit for Childcare Expenses
- Advance Payments
- RL-24 Slip: Childcare Expenses
You don't have to wait to file your income tax return to apply for the tax credit for childcare expenses. You can apply for advance payments at any time by using the applicable advance payment online service in My Account for individuals.
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