Filing Your Income Tax Return
When you file your return online, you get a confirmation message containing a reference number. Make sure you get one after filing.
Processing of your income tax return
Since we start processing returns at the beginning of March, wait until the beginning of April before contacting us for information, even if you filed your return in January. If you file your return after March 31, wait four weeks before contacting us.
You can track the status of your income tax return in My Account for individuals.
How long do we have to review your return?
When we receive your income tax return, we carry out a cursory review and send you a notice of assessment.
We generally have three years from the date of the notice of assessment to carry out a more in-depth review and, if necessary, issue a notice of reassessment (interest will be calculated on any balance owing at that time). You must keep all documents (paper or electronic) substantiating the information provided in your return (RL slips, information slips, receipts and supporting documents), as we may ask for them if such a review is carried out.