QESI Registration Procedure: Trustees, Promoters and Mandataries, and Direct Deposit
Here's how to register as a QESI trustee or promoter, appoint a mandatary or register for direct deposit.
For information on how to complete the documents mentioned on this page, see the Mandatary Guide – Administrative Changes and Corporations (SW-110-V).
Step 1 – Get accredited
Complete the Request for Assistance – Authorized Resource Persons in the Québec Education Savings Incentive Field of Activity (SW-172-V) with the business's full name, Québec enterprise number (NEQ) and resource person's contact information (name, email and phone) for registration. Email it to [email protected] before completing the other steps.
Accreditation enables us to verify your business's tax profile and ensure there are no disputes between us, and that the business has no outstanding debts.
Though this step is required, it's transparent for you. The average time to get accredited is ten days, then we confirm by email before you begin the next step.
Step 2 – Complete and sign the QESI agreement for trustees
Complete and sign the French version of the Québec Education Savings Incentive Agreement: Trustee (SW-12-V). Each page must be hand-initialled by the signee(s) shown in the board of directors' resolution (maximum of two signees).
When reading the agreement, take note of these documents:
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Interface Transaction Standards (SW-208-V)
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Data Interface Operations and Connectivity (SW-209-T)
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Notice of Appointment of a Mandatary (TP-890.15-V)
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Transfer Between Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP) (TP-1029.8.IQ-V)
Email the following digitized documents to [email protected]:
- an excerpt from a board of directors' resolution specifying the person(s) authorized to sign a document on your behalf;
- two duly completed, initialled and signed copies of the French version of the trustee agreement (SW-12).
Step 1 – Get accredited
Complete the Request for Assistance – Authorized Resource Persons in the Québec Education Savings Incentive Field of Activity (SW-172-V) with the business's full name, Québec enterprise number (NEQ) and resource person's contact information (name, email and phone) for registration. Email it to [email protected] before completing the other steps.
Accreditation enables us to verify your business's tax profile and ensure there are no disputes between us, and that the business has no outstanding debts.
Though this step is required, it's transparent for you. The average time to get accredited is ten days, then we confirm by email before you begin the next step.
Step 2 – Complete and sign the QESI agreement for promoters
Complete and sign the French version of the Québec Education Savings Incentive Agreement: Promoter (SW-13-V). Each page must be hand-initialled by the signee(s) shown in the board of directors' resolution (maximum of two signees).
When reading the agreement, take note of these documents:
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Interface Transaction Standards (SW-208-V)
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Data Interface Operations and Connectivity (SW-209-T)
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Notice of Appointment of a Mandatary (TP-890.15-V)
- Québec Education Savings Incentive: Transfer Between Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP) [TP-1029.8.IQ-V]
Email the following digitized documents to [email protected]:
- an excerpt from a board of directors' resolution specifying the person(s) authorized to sign a document on your behalf;
- two duly completed, initialled and signed copies of the French version of the promoter agreement (SW-13).
You'll need your Québec enterprise number (NEQ) and identification number to complete the form mentioned in the next steps.
Step 1 – Check the accreditation
Check with our team whether the mandatary to be appointed received accreditation. If needed, complete the Request for Assistance: Authorized Resource Persons in the Québec Education Savings Incentive Field of Activity (SW-172-V), specifying the potential mandatary's full name and NEQ, then email the form to [email protected].
Accreditation enables us to verify the business's tax profile and ensure there are no disputes between us, and that the business has no outstanding debts.
Once the file has been verified, we'll confirm by email.
Step 2 – Complete and sign the notice of appointment of a mandatary
Complete and sign the French version of the Québec Education Savings Incentive: Notice of Appointment of a Mandatary (TP-890.15-V) to appoint a QESI mandatary that will represent the trustee with us.
The trustee and the appointed mandatary must sign the form, and they must be authorized representatives mentioned in a board of directors' resolution.
Email the following digitized documents to [email protected]:
- an excerpt from a board of directors' resolution, for the trustee and the mandatary, specifying the person(s) authorized to sign a document on your behalf;
- the French version of TP-890.15, completed and signed.
Step 3 – Getting a notice of certification for a product
Once all documents are completed, signed and in order, the mandatary must complete the process leading to a notice of certification, in order to finish its QESI registration.
For more information on certification, see QESI Product Developers.
Registering for direct deposit
You must register as a trustee or promoter and appoint a mandatary before registering for direct deposit.
You'll need your Québec enterprise number (NEQ) and identification number to complete the form mentioned below.
To register for direct deposit, follow these steps:
- Complete and sign the French version of the Request for Direct Deposit: Registered Education Savings Plan Trustees (LM-5-V) to give us the bank information for QESI payments.
- Sign the form, as the trustee or appointed mandatary. The signee must be an authorized representative specified in a board of directors' resolution.
- Email the following digitized documents to [email protected]:
- an excerpt from a board of directors' resolution specifying the person(s) authorized to sign a document on your behalf;
- the French version of form LM-5, completed and signed.