Remittance or Refund
At the end of each reporting period, you must remit any GST and QST payable.
We must receive your payment no later than the filing deadline for your return for the period (as shown in My Account for businesses). Payment is considered to be received on:
- the date we receive it (a postdated cheque is considered to be received on the date it can be cashed); or
- the date a financial institution receives it.
If your filing deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday, the deadline is extended to the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday.
Payment options
You can remit the GST and QST you collected in these ways:
- electronically,
- using the online payment service of a financial institution,
- by pre-authorized debit, if you use the online filing services in My Account for businesses (you must have authorized us to deduct amounts owing from your account by completing form LM-2.DP-V, Payer's Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement – Business PAD),
- at a financial institution or an ATM (check with your financial institution to see if it offers these payment options); or
- by mail (you must write your GST account number and your identification number on the cheque).
- If the amount of GST or QST to be remitted is $10,000 or more, you are required to make your payment electronically, unless special circumstances make this impossible.
- If you file a single return for the GST and QST, the $10,000 threshold applies separately to each tax.
- You must file a return even if you do not have a payment to make or you are claiming a refund.
Payment date
Regardless of how you pay, your payment is considered to be received on the date it is received at one of our offices or the date it is processed by a financial institution for remittance to the Minister of Revenue of Québec. To avoid interest and penalties, make sure you account for processing by your financial institution.
Refund for government departments and bodies
A federal or Québec government department or body that is not required to pay consumption taxes must use the Apply for a QST Rebate (Government Departments and Agencies) express service, which is accessible (only in French) with a clicSÉQUR access code.
Viewing remittance or refund information
Log in to My Account for businesses to view your remittances and refunds, as well as your statement of account.
Businesses can have their online service managers consent to online correspondence only for remittance and refund items in the My Account for businesses communications centre. This consent can be changed directly in My Account.