Remunerated Passenger Transportation – Information for SRS Developers
For healthy competition and tax fairness in the remunerated passenger transportation sector, we implemented measures making it mandatory to produce a receipt using a technological solution.
Taxi business operators must now give their customers a paper or electronic receipt for each trip made. Receipts must be produced using a certified sales recording system (SRS) or a subsequent version of a certified SRS whose use we have authorized.
Technological solution
The solution used in the remunerated passenger transportation sector features:
- a certified SRS (or a subsequent version of a certified SRS whose use we have authorized) that collects transaction data and securely sends it to a cloud environment;
- a cloud environment (WEB-SRM) that stores, validates and sends us SRS data securely;
- a computer system that integrates WEB-SRM data into our informational environment.
Certified SRS
You must adapt your SRS to work with the WEB-SRM and have it certified.
To help you estimate the work required to make your product compatible with the WEB-SRM, see document SW-76-V, General Information for Adapting an SRS (Cloud Solution).
For the certification process, see Certification of Sales Recording Systems That Work With the WEB-SRM.
The WEB-SRM used in the remunerated passenger transportation sector has evolved. As a result, any SRS certified after January 1, 2023, is considered a second-generation certified SRS.
Any SRS that was certified before January 1, 2023, is therefore considered a first-generation certified SRS.
For more information, see the Certified Sales Recording Systems page.
Server administrator
Under the mandatory billing measures in the remunerated passenger transportation sector, each administrator of a remote server (a centralized computer system) that communicates directly with the WEB-SRM must request an authorization code from us.
The code authorizes the remote server to communicate with the WEB-SRM and receive a digital certificate used to identify the owner of the private key or public key.
To obtain an authorization code:
- use the online service that allows server administrators to manage a server authorization code in My Account for businesses; or
- complete form FO-350.SD-V, Application to Obtain or Deactivate a Server Authorization Code.