RL-24 Slip: Childcare Expenses (courtesy translation)
The RL-24 slip must be filed by any person that, in exchange for remuneration, provides childcare services in Québec giving entitlement to the tax credit for childcare expenses. Such a person may operate a daycare centre, a boarding school, an overnight camp, a day camp or a nursery school.
The information on the RL-24 slip is used by individuals who paid childcare expenses to complete the personal income tax return (TP-1-V).
For information on completing and filing the RL-24 slip, refer to the Guide to Filing the RL-24 Slip (RL-24.G-V).
Follow the steps below to file an RL-24 slip for every individual (usually a parent) who paid childcare expenses.
Step 1 – Complete the RL-24 slip.
Use one of the following to complete the RL-24 slip:
- Revenu Québec authorized software that you purchased;
- the fillable form (PDF) below; or
- a paper slip you can order through our online service or by contacting our client services.
To find out what amounts must be entered in each of the boxes on the slip, see the instructions in the Guide to Filing the RL-24 Slip (RL-24.G-V).
Step 2 – Send us a copy of the RL-24 slip.
To send us the RL-24 slip online (in an XML file) using authorized software, you must have a transmitter number (“NP” followed by 6 digits). To get one, file a Transmitter Registration Form (ED-430-V).
To mail us the paper RL-24 slip, address your envelope to:
- 3800, rue de Marly, Québec (Québec) G1X 4A5; or
- C. P. 3000, succursale Place-Desjardins, Montréal (Québec) H5B 1A4.
Step 3 – Complete the RL-24 summary and mail it to us.
Step 4 – Give a copy of the RL-24 slip to the parent who paid the childcare expenses.
The official version of this document is in French only. To access it, click français.
The courtesy translation of this document is available below for information purposes only.