Agreement Concerning the Tax Assistance Limit for a Large Investment Project by a Partnership (courtesy translation)
Complete form CO-737.18.17.EN for any partnership that is carrying out a large investment project and wants to allocate a portion of its tax assistance limit to its members so that they can claim a tax holiday for the project.
If the corporation made an irrevocable election with the Minister of Finance to use the alternative calculation method for a large investment project, do not complete form CO-737.18.17.EN. Instead, complete form CO-737.18.17.EH, Entente concernant le montant maximal annuel des aides fiscales relative à un grand projet d'investissement réalisé par une société de personnes – Méthode de calcul alternative.
The official version of this document is in French only. To access it, click français.
The courtesy translation of this document is available below for information purposes only.