A to D
- Bad Debts
- Carbon Emission Allowances
- Cash Discounts
- Charges for the Late Payment of a Bill
- Clothing Manufacturers
- Coupons
- Deposits
- Drivers Related to a Transportation System Operator Under Agreement (such as Uber)
- Drugs and Biologicals
E to J
- Employee Benefits
- Expenses Incurred by Employees, Partners and Volunteers
- Exports Outside Canada (and Shipping Outside Québec)
- Financial Institutions
- Flea Markets
- Food and Beverages
- Free Samples
- Gift Cards and Gift Certificates
- Goods Returned by a Customer
- GST/HST and QST Rebates for Businesses and Organizations
- GST – QST Return for a Person That is Not a GST or QST Registrant
- Imports
- Joint Venture
K to R
- Manufacturers' Rebates
- Meal and Entertainment Expenses
- Medical Devices and Assistive Devices
- Principals and Agents
- Printed Books
- Promotional Gifts
- Public Service Bodies (Including Charities)
- Real Property (Purchase, Sale, Construction, Renovation, Operation)
- Returnable Containers
- Road Vehicles