The Démarrer Une Entreprise Government Service
The Québec government has developed the Démarrer une entreprise service (available in French only) to streamline the way new businesses deal with the government and to simplify access to the government's suite of online services. The service guides you in the process of starting a business and helps you register with several Québec government departments and agencies. Based on your answers to a preliminary questionnaire, you will be able to:
- register with the Registraire des entreprises;
- register with Revenu Québec;
- get your permanent clicSÉQUR – Entreprises login credentials;
- register for Zone entreprise;
- register with the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (if applicable).
If you have not yet registered your business with the Registraire des entreprises, take advantage of the support the Démarrer une entreprise service (in French only) offers.
If your business is already registered with the Registraire des entreprises, you have to use the Register a New Business online service to register it with Revenu Québec and get your login credentials for clicSÉQUR – Entreprises (available in French only).