Product Certification – Electronic Payment Transactions
You must obtain a certification number for your product before sending EDI files to us in operating mode. This number certifies that the product meets our technical requirements for transmitting data online.
Certification process
To obtain a certification number for a product, you must:
- be registered as a Revenu Québec partner;
- access My Account for partners to add resource people, register the products that you intend to develop or adapt and give the names of the people responsible for the certification process;
- develop or adapt the product according to the specifications given in the document entitled Electronic Payments (ED-20-V), which is available in the restricted-access subsection for partners;
- carry out the test cases for each type of payment you would like to obtain certification for (follow the instructions given in the SW-255.X-T series of documents, which is available in the restricted-access subsection for partners);
- transmit test cases to us in the partners testing environment. It is important that you inform us of this transmission by accessing My Account for partners, clicking Contact Us and selecting Product Certification Request under Subject;
- make adjustments to the product further to our test-case analysis (if applicable);
- carry out supplemental test cases (if required).
Once test-case results meet our requirements, we assign a certification number to that version of your product, and we send you an email confirming that your software meets our requirements.
The certification process is described in document SW-256-T, Steps for Obtaining Certification in the Electronic Payment Transactions Field of Activity (courtesy translation).