Certificate Respecting an Impairment
Form TP-752.0.14-V is used to certify that a person 18 or over has a severe and prolonged impairment in mental of physical functions.
Alternatively, you can send us a copy of federal form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate, to certify that you or a person in respect of whom you are claiming a tax credit in your return has a severe and prolonged impairment.
However, use form TP-752.0.14-V if you are required to provide us with a certificate confirming:
- that the impairment is considered severe because of the time spent undergoing therapy that is essential to sustain a vital function (the therapy must be provided at least twice a week for a total of at least 14 hours); or
- that someone in respect of whom you are claiming the tax credit for caregivers is unable to live alone or needs assistance in carrying out a basic activity of daily living because of a severe and prolonged impairment.
2023-01 version
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