Guide to Filing the RL-11 Slip: Flow-Through Shares
This guide provides information on how to complete the RL-11 slip (Actions accréditives) and form RL-11.S (Renonciation à des frais ou attribution des montants d'aide par une société).
Development corporations that have agreed to issue flow-through shares under written agreement with investors now have an additional time period of 12 months within which to incur exploration or development expenses in Canada that it can renounce in favour of the investor.
The additional time period applies to agreements concluded:
- between March 1, 2018, and December 31, 2020, inclusive, when the renunciation is done pursuant to the general rule; and
- between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2020, inclusive, when the renunciation is done pursuant to the look-back rule.
For more information, see information bulletin 2020-12 published by the Ministère des Finances.
Please note that section 3.4 of this guide, “Filing the RL slips and form RL-11.S with Revenu Québec,” is not up to date.
Effective January 1, 2024, the mandatory online filing threshold for RL-11 slips is lowered from 51 to 6.
For more information, see the Tax News article Lowered Threshold for Mandatory Online Filing of RL Slips.