Information Return – Tax Credit for the Restoration of a Secondary Residence
This form must be completed by a syndicate of co-owners that paid qualified expenditures in 2018 to restore a condominium building that was damaged by the severe flooding that hit a number of Québec municipalities from April 5 to May 16, 2017.
This form is used to report information on the services provided by a damage assessment expert, on the repair work done and on the amount of each co-owner's share of the expenditures so that they can claim the tax credit for the restoration of a secondary residence in their 2018 income tax return.
2018-10 version
Follow the instructions below before clicking the Fillable PDF Document button at the bottom of the page.
If you have already opened the fillable form, close it without saving it.
Download Adobe Reader. If the software is already installed on your computer, go directly to step 4. If you don't want to install Adobe Reader, click the PDF Document button, print the form, complete it by hand and mail it to us.
After downloading and installing Adobe Reader, close it.
Place your cursor on the Fillable PDF Document button at the bottom of the page and right click to display a menu.
Select Save link as.
Save the document to your desktop or the folder of your choice. Do not open the document in the download screen that appears.
Once the document is saved, right click on it to display a menu.
Click Open with and select Adobe Reader.
Complete and save the PDF.
Follow the instructions to file the form.