Filing Your Income Tax Return by Mail
Using our forms
You can use our forms to file your income tax return (including the schedules of the return and any other required forms). Send your completed return to one of the addresses below.
Québec City | Revenu Québec 3800, rue de Marly C. P. 25555, succursale Terminus Québec (Québec) G1A 1B9 |
Montréal | Revenu Québec C. P. 2500, succursale Place-Desjardins Montréal (Québec) H5B 1A3 |
Regardless of how you file your return, do not send us:
- your RL slips;
- your federal information slips (except those for income earned outside Québec); or
- your receipts and other supporting documents (unless otherwise indicated).
However, you must keep your paper or electronic documents in case we ask for them.
Using software
If you used software authorized by Revenu Québec to fill out your income tax return and are mailing us your return, make sure that:
- you enclose forms TPF-1.U-V, Income Tax Return Data, and form TPF-1.W-V, Keying Summary for the Income Tax Return, as well as the following, as applicable:
- form TPF-1.X-V, Keying Summary for the Schedules of the Income Tax Return and Forms TP-25-V, TP-274-V, TP-752.PC-V, TP-1029.SA-V, TM-1029.TM-V, TP-1029.61.MD-V and TP-21.4.39-V,
- form TPF-1.Y-V, Keying Summary for Forms TP-128-V, TP-80-V and TP-80.1-V, and
- form TPF-1.Z-V, Keying Summary for Form TP-1029.AE-V;
- you use white, letter-size paper;
- the print quality is acceptable;
- you do not print form TPF-1.U-V on both sides;
- the authorization number is shown in the upper right-hand corner of the forms.
If you do not comply with all of these requirements, we may send your return back without processing it.
For more information about filing a return filled out using software, see Information for Software Users: Personal Income Tax Return (IN-413.A-V).