All Online Services – Businesses
Most online services for businesses are available in My Account for businesses, a secure space where businesses can meet their tax obligations and manage their tax file online.
To learn more about My Account, see the My Account for Businesses page. To log in to My Account, click the button below or the one in the top right corner of the page.
Other services are available outside My Account (see the list of services available outside My Account below)
Services available in My Account for businesses
Your rights and obligations
Below is a list of what's available in My Account for businesses.
Consumption taxes
- File
- GST/HST and QST returns
- returns respecting the tax on lodging
- dues returns for remunerated passenger transportation
- returns respecting the specific duty on new tires
- returns respecting the tax on insurance premiums
- GST/HST and QST public service bodies' rebate applications
- View
- returns
- refunds and rebates
- statements of account
- payments
- GST/HST and QST elections
- GST/HST rebate applications for public service bodies
- Pay
- returns filed using My Account
- pre-authorized debit management
- Register a business
- consumption taxes
- Submit
- consumption tax returns and rebate applications
Source deductions and contributions
- File
- source deductions and employer contributions return
- RL-1 slips and RL-1 summary
- RL-1 summary
- View
- returns
- refunds and rebates
- statements of account
- RL-1 slips and RL-1 summary
- payments
- payment frequency information
- Pay
- returns filed using My Account
- pre-authorized debit management
- Register a business
- source deductions
- Manage support-payment deductions
- remit support-payment deductions
- view support-payment deductions information
- pay a balance in a file
- cancel or change pre-authorized debits
Income tax
- View
- returns
- refunds and rebates
- statements of account
- payments
- Pay
- returns filed using software
- pre-authorized debit change or cancellation
- Register a business
- corporation income tax
Sector-specific obligations
- Mandatory billing
- register for mandatory billing
- manage a mandatory billing file
- view transactions
- manage a server administrator
- file Sommaire périodique des ventes reports
- Attestation de Revenu Québec (services available in French only)
- request an Attestation
- view an Attestation request
- carry out a mandatory verification of an Attestation
- view Attestation mandatory verification results
- sign up for Attestation renewal
- report amounts billed under a contract for maintenance work in a public building
- manage the returns for amounts billed under a contract for maintenance work in a public building
- Government compensation
- view the list of batches transmitted
- transmit invoice batches
- transmit invoice file batches
- Unclaimed financial assets
- remit unclaimed property in an online form
- remit unclaimed property in an XML file
- make a payment for an unclaimed property record
Other services
- Trusts
- Apply for a trust identification number
- personal information
- sign up for alerts and new message notifications
- change businesses (authorizations, external powers of attorney)
- manage user accounts
- manage business authorizations and powers of attorney
- manage client authorizations and powers of attorney
- change an address
- track a change of address request or an application for registration
- consent to communicating only online
- print forms
- manage direct deposit
Sending documents
- Send a requested document
- Send an unrequested document
Access to online services varies based on users' authorizations and powers of attorney and the scheduled service outages.
Services available outside My Account
You can access most of the following services without clicSÉQUR or clicSÉQUR express:
- Change Address (Businesses)
- Téléchargement du logiciel ActiMEV (in French only)
- Ordering Forms and Publications
- Prepare and View the RL-31 Slip
- Register a New Business
- Register for the GST/HST and QST – Drivers for a Transportation System Operator Under Agreement
- Register of Unclaimed Property
- Status of your Request (change of address or Revenu Québec application for registration)
- Track the Status of an Application for Registration: New Businesses
- Transmitting RL Slips
- Validate a QST Registration Number
- Voluntary Verification of an Attestation de Revenu Québec (online service available in French only)
Express services
To use clicSÉQUR express, the government's authentication service, you need an access code, which you can get by registering your business with the Registraire des entreprises or registering for the QST with Revenu Québec. You can then use the code to access the following services:
Our online services are sometimes unavailable. Click Scheduled Service Outages to learn more.