Regulatory and Administrative Streamlining
As a key player in the government's regulatory and administrative streamlining efforts, we are committed to carrying out the Plan d'action gouvernemental en matière d'allègement réglementaire et administratif 2020-2025.
See our other commitments under "Vous simplifier la vie – Poursuivre la transformation de l'expérience client" in the Plan stratégique 2023-2027 (in French only).
Our regulatory and administrative streamlining efforts are laid out in the Rapport annuel de gestion (in French only).
We regularly implement measures to make it easier for businesses to meet their tax obligations. To learn more, click Administrative Streamlining for Businesses.
Regulatory impact analyses
In accordance with the Politique gouvernementale sur l'allègement réglementaire et administratif, we regularly publish regulatory impact analyses regarding bills and draft regulations we submit to the Conseil exécutif.
For more information, click Analyses d'impact réglementaire (in French only).