Tax Evasion in the Construction Sector
The construction sector is one of the economic sectors where tax revenue losses are greatest. To fight tax evasion in this sector, we have undertaken major initiatives, stepped up our oversight and implemented an array of preventive measures.
For example:
- We have worked to simplify the exchange of information with the Commission de la construction du Québec, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec, the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail and the Canada Revenue Agency.
- We impose penalties on individuals and businesses that do not meet their obligations, including with regard to the Attestation de Revenu Québec.
- The ACCES construction committee was created to counter the underground economy in the construction industry.
- We carry out prevention activities, audits and investigations to ensure that everyone pays their fair share in funding public services.
- We regularly make surprise visits to construction sites to check that tax laws are being followed and workers are reporting their remuneration.
To learn more about how we're fighing tax evasion, see Secteur de la construction – Assurer l'équité fiscale, c'est être juste pour tous (IN-517, in French only).