Filing RL Slips and Summaries Using a Fillable PDF
RL slips and summaries must be filed in French. To file an RL slip or summary using a fillable PDF, go to the Formulaires et publications page, select a slip or summary and click Document PDF remplissable à l'écran (fillable PDF document) at the bottom of the access page. After completing the slip or summary, you must print it and mail it to us. We also recommend that you save a copy of the PDF on your computer.
To view the English courtesy translation of an RL slip or summary, click Forms and Publications, select a slip or summary and click PDF Document at the bottom of the access page.
Fillable PDFs are available for the following RL slips and summaries:
- RL-1, RL-2, RL-3, RL-5, RL-7, RL-8, RL-11, RL-13, RL-14, RL-15, RL-16, RL-18, RL-21, RL-22, RL-24, RL-25, RL-27 and RL-32 slips;
- RL-1, RL-14 and RL-24 summaries.
If you file more than five RL slips of the same type (other than RL-13 or RL-24 slips) for a calendar year, you must send them to us online. Note that the maximum number of RL-24 slips that can be filed online is 51. See Methods for Filing RL Slips and Summaries for more information.
Filing and printing RL slips and summaries on paper
You must make sure that your RL slips and summaries meet all our requirements before filing them with us. See Information Concerning RL Slips and Summaries Filed on Paper for more information.