Deducting remote working expenses
What you need to know for the 2023 taxation year.
How to deduct remote working expenses for 2023
If you were a salaried employee or an employee who earned commissions in the year, you can deduct certain expenses that you were required to pay under the terms of your employment contract. Complete form TP-59-V, Employment Expenses of Salaried Employees and Employees Who Earn Commissions, and enclose it with your income tax return. Your employer must complete and sign form TP-64.3-V, General Employment Conditions.
You can no longer claim a deduction for expenses related to working remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The deduction was a temporary measure for 2020 to 2022 that let you claim $2 for each day you worked from home, to a maximum of $500.
For more information: Expenses Related to Working Remotely Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic (TP-59.S-V)