New Cloud Solution (WEB-SRM) for Restaurant Establishments Launches Today
Today, November 1, 2023, marks the start of a transition in the restaurant sector from sales recording modules (SRMs) to a new cloud solution, the WEB-SRM. This phase-out follows the pilot project held in summer 2023.
Transition period
Starting June 1, 2025, restaurant establishment operators who were in business before November 1, 2023, must comply with the new mandatory billing measures below. They must:
- use the specified equipment and ensure it works properly;
- send us the required information using a certified SRS that can communicate with the WEB-SRM;
- give each customer a receipt that includes all mandatory information and was created using their certified SRS.
These measures now also apply to food truck and restaurant establishment operators who were doing business in a theme park or similar location before November 1, 2023.
A solution that benefits everyone
The transition to the WEB-SRM and the corresponding phase-out of the physical SRM will benefit operators. The new cloud solution will reduce their administrative overhead and save them time by eliminating the need to send us periodic sales summaries every month. They will also be able to view transaction data sent using a certified SRS in My Account for businesses. In addition, their customers will now be able to scan a QR code on their receipt to view a summary of it online.
Upcoming programs
A financial compensation program will be set up for restaurant establishment operators who purchased and activated one or more new SRMs after October 31, 2021, but before November 1, 2023. An SRM recycling program will also soon be available.