Veloce (version 9.82.1)
Product developer:
Paiements PayFacto inc. (Payfacto payments Inc.)
Certification date:
Operating system:
- Windows
Activity subsectors
- Bar : available
- Food truck : not available
- Frequent third party (e.g. a person that operates a coat check) : not available
- Restaurant : available
- Not subject to the measure : not available
Service types
- Counter service : available
- Delivery by the mandatary : available
- Order through a digital platform : available
- Table service : available
Certified features
- Add customer's information : not available
- Add item details : available
- Cancel a transaction : available
- Conclude a contract : not available
- Correct a closing receipt : available
- Determine the amount due : available
- Enter service fees : available
- Enter the tip : available
- Include table number : available
- Indicate the number of customers : available
- Manage instalment payments : not available
- Manage multiple devices : available
- Manage multiple employees : not available
- Manage multiple mandataries : not available
- Manage the server's digital certificate : not available
- Manage the SRS back-office : not available
- Manage the SRS's digital certificates : available
- Manage the user accounts : available
- Produce a bill containing an additional tax : available
- Produce a bill for a package deal : not available
- Produce a bill made by a frequent third party : not available
- Produce a closing receipt : available
- Produce a credit note : available
- Produce a duplicate : available
- Produce a quote : not available
- Produce a temporary bill - Counter service : available
- Produce a temporary bill - Delivery by the mandatary : available
- Produce a temporary bill - Order through a digital platform : available
- Produce a temporary bill - Table service : available
- Produce an estimate : not available
- Produce bills in Offline mode : available
- Produce or send a user report : available
- Record an e-commerce sale : available
- Record that a customer left without paying : available
- Reproduce a bill : available
- Scan a QR code : available
- Send a frequent third party report : not available
- Send an agreement with an occasional third party : not available
- Show unit price : not available
- Transfer, split or group items and bills : available
- Use training mode : available
Applicable taxes
- Additional tax : not available
- GST and additional tax : not available
- GST and QST : available
- GST only : not available
- GST, QST and additional tax : available
- QST and additional tax : not available
- QST only : not available
- None : available
Payment methods
- Cash : available
- Charge to account : available
- Cheque : available
- Coupon : available
- Credit card : available
- Cryptocurrency : not available
- Debit card : available
- Digital wallet : not available
- Loyalty program : available
- Mixed payment : available
- Prepaid card or gift card : available
- Transfer of funds : not available
- No payment : available
- Other : available
- Unknown : not available
Print options
- Combined paper and electronic : not available
- Electronic : not available
- Paper : available
Operating mode
- Server : not available
- SRS : available