Mandatory Billing Information: Bars and Restaurants
Read this document if you operate a restaurant establishment (such as a bar, restaurant or catering business) that uses a sales recording module (SRM). Also read it if you ordinarily make a supply of property or services in a restaurant establishment that uses an SRM and provides alcoholic beverages under a permit authorizing their sale for consumption on the premises, without food, and you make the supply under an agreement entered into with the operator of the establishment.
This core document outlines how mandatory billing measures are applied in the restaurant sector. It concerns only restaurant establishments that use an SRM.
If you are subject to mandatory billing measures in the restaurant sector and you use a certified sales recording system or plan to start carrying on activities covered by the measures, read IN-575.FO-V, Information for Persons Subject to Mandatory Billing Measures, instead to learn about your obligations. IN-575.FO-V is also for you if you are subject to mandatory billing measures and are not registered for the QST.