Claiming the Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors
You can claim the tax credit for home-support services for seniors in one of these ways:
- Complete Schedule J when filing your income tax return.
- Apply for advance payments.
If you have a spouse and they are also eligible for the tax credit, only one of you can claim it for your couple. It does not matter which one of you claims it, the amount will be the same.
You cannot claim the same expenses under both the tax credit for home-support services for seniors and the tax credit for medical expenses.
Income tax return
If you claim the tax credit in your income tax return, you must complete Schedule J. If you calculate the eligible expenses included in the rent for an apartment in a private seniors' residence, you may need to complete form TP-1029.61.MD-V, Expenses Included in Rent at a Private Seniors' Residence – Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors.
Keep your invoices and other documents supporting the services you are claiming under the tax credit. In general, you must keep the documents for six years after the taxation year they cover.
Advance payments
If you want to receive the tax credit faster, you can apply for advance payments in one of these ways:
- Use the online service in My Account for individuals to apply for advance payments.
- Complete the form that corresponds to the place you live.
You must include your invoices and supporting documents with your application. Advance payments are made only by direct deposit into your bank account.
Applying for advance payments using a form
Click the place you live to see which form to complete and any documents to include with your application.
I live in my own house
If you live in your own house and you pay for eligible services, you can apply for advance payments by completing form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services.
I live in a private seniors' residence
If you live in a private seniors' residence, you can apply for advance payments for eligible services included or not included in your rent.
For the services included in your rent, complete form TPZ-1029.MD.7-V, Application for Advance Payments Based on Rent and Services Included in Rent.
Include these documents with your application:
- your lease (or the written notice of a verbal lease)
- the schedule to your lease
- any notice of modification of the lease or any judgment fixing the rent
For the services not included in your rent, complete form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services.
I live in an apartment building
If you live in an apartment building, you can apply for advance payments for eligible services included or not included in your rent.
For the services included in your rent, complete form TPZ-1029.MD.7-V, Application for Advance Payments Based on Rent and Services Included in Rent.
Include these documents with your application:
- your lease (or the written notice of a verbal lease)
- the schedule to your lease (if applicable)
- any notice of modification of the lease or any judgment fixing the rent
For the services not included in your rent, complete form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services.
If you own a condominium, you can apply for advance payments for eligible services included or not included in your condominium fees.
For the services included in your condominium fees, complete form TPZ-1029.MD.8-V, Application for Advance Payments for Services Included in Condominium Fees.
You will need the information from one of the following forms, which are completed and given to you by your syndicate of co-owners:
- form TPZ-1029.MD.5-V, Information Return: Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors
- form TPZ-1029.MD.5.C-V, Cost of Eligible Services Included in Condominium Fees: Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors
For the services not included in your condominium fees, complete form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services.
None of these situations applies to me
I live in a health establishment
If you live in a health establishment and you pay for eligible services, you can apply for advance payments of the credit by completing form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services.
I rent a house or condominium
If you live in a house or condominium that you rent and you pay for eligible services, you can apply for advance payments of the credit by completing form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services.
I live with a relative
If you live with a relative and you pay for eligible services, you can apply for advance payments of the credit by completing form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services.
You have until December 1 of a given year to apply for advance payments of the tax credit for that year. For example, you have until December 1, 2025, to apply for advance payments of the tax credit you are entitled to for 2025.
If the application deadline for advance payments falls on a Saturday or Sunday, you can submit your application the next business day at the latest.
Payment information
Advance payments for eligible services included in your rent or condominium fees are made every month. Advance payments for eligible services not included in your rent or condominium fees are made within 30 days of the date we receive the application.
You and your spouse are both eligible for the tax credit
If you have a spouse and you are both eligible for the tax credit, only one of you will receive advance payments for the amounts you are entitled to as a couple.
If you and your spouse live in the same dwelling, file one application for the couple.
If your spouse does not live in the same dwelling as you, each of you must file an application. We process the forms received as if they are part of the same file and we address communications to the person who will receive the advance payments.
RL-19 slip
You will receive an RL-19 slip showing the total tax credit you received as advance payments in the year. Enter the amount from box D of the RL-19 slip on line 441 of your income tax return for the year concerned.
If you are completing Schedule J and there is an amount in box E of your RL-19 slip, you may be entitled to financial compensation for eligible services included in your rent. Complete Work Chart 466 when doing your taxes to find out if you are eligible.