Application to Make Remittances Based on Pay Periods
If your pay periods are every two weeks or twice monthly but your remittance frequency is weekly, you can apply to make your remittances only for the periods in which you pay remuneration.
This means that we will send you copies of form TPZ-1015.R.14.3-V, Remittance of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions, for those periods only and you will no longer have to file a remittance form for periods in which you do not pay remuneration and, consequently, do not make source deductions and are not required to remit any amount.
To apply, complete and send us the Application to Make Remittances of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions Based on Pay Periods (form TPZ-1015.R.14.3D-V).
Even if you apply to make your remittances based on pay periods, your remittance frequency continues to be weekly and the due dates for weekly remittances in the remittance schedules apply.
You cannot apply to make your remittances based on your pay periods if you have elected to change your remittance frequency.
For more information, refer to the Guide for Employers: Source Deductions and Contributions (TP-1015.G-V).