RL-22 Slip – Box A
In box A of the RL-22 slip (see courtesy translation RL-22-T), enter the value of the individual's coverage under a multi-employer insurance plan (not including coverage for total or partial loss of business, office-related or employment income).
The coverage must have been provided (in whole or part) because of the individual's:
- office or employment (past, present or future); or
- operation of a business, as a sole proprietor or as a member of a partnership
Even if no premiums were paid with respect to the individual for the year, give the value of all of the individual's types of coverage that year.
Enter “0” in box A if the individual was not covered by the insurance plan but the employer paid premiums for them for the year.
Calculating coverage value
To calculate the value of the individual's total coverage (all types) under a multi-employer insurance plan:
- determine the value of the individual's coverage under the private health services plan; and
- add the value of the other types of coverage under a multi-employer insurance plan, such as the coverage provided by the following insurance options:
- life insurance,
- insurance covering accidental death,
- accident insurance covering bodily injury.
Enter the value of the individual's coverage under the private health services plan in box B and also include it in the amount in box A.