Box F – Refund of Unused Contributions (RRSP, PRPP or VRSP)
Enter in box F of the RL-2 slip (see courtesy translation RL-2-T) the amount of the excess registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contributions that were made in a given year and refunded to the annuitant in the year following the one for which federal form T3012A, Tax Deduction Waiver on the Refund of your Unused RRSP, PRPP, or SPP Contributions from your RRSP, PRPP or SPP, was completed respecting unused RRSP contributions made after 1990.
If the form was not filed, the amounts withdrawn by the annuitant during the year must be entered in box C rather than box F.
Enter the amount of the excess pooled registered pension plan (PRPP) contributions that were made in a given year and refunded to the annuitant in the year following the one for which federal form T3012A was completed respecting unused PRPP contributions. If the form was not filed, the amounts withdrawn by the annuitant during the year must be entered in box B rather than box F.
Enter the amount of the excess voluntary retirement savings plan (VRSP) contributions that were made in a given year and refunded to the annuitant in the year following the one for which federal form T3012A was completed respecting unused VRSP contributions. If the form was not filed, the amounts withdrawn by the annuitant during the year must be entered in box B rather than box F.
Note that in federal form T3012A, the term “pooled registered pension plan” (PRPP) refers to both a PRPP and a VRSP.