How to Complete the RL-2 Slip
This section presents information you must enter in each box of the RL-2 slip (see courtesy translation RL-2-T).
- Box marked “Année”
- Box marked “Code du relevé”
- Box marked “Provenance des revenus”
- Box marked “No du dernier relevé transmis”Box A – Payments from a registered pension plan
- Box B – Payments under an RRSP, a RRIF, a DPSP, a PRPP, a VRSP or annuities
- Box C – Other payments
- Box D – Refund of RRSP premiums paid to a surviving spouse
- Box E – Benefit deemed to have been received at the time of death ( RRSP, RRIF, PRPP or VRSP)
- Box F – Refund of unused contributions (RRSP, PRPP or VRSP)
- Box G – Amount that is taxable because of the revocation of the registration of an RRSP or a RRIF
- Box H – Other income ( RRSP or RRIF)
- Box I – Amount giving entitlement to a deduction (RRSP or RRIF)
- Box J – Québec income tax withheld at source
- Box K – Income earned after death ( RRSP, RRIF, PRPP or VRSP)
- Box L – Withdrawal under the LLP
- Box M – Tax-paid amounts
- Box N – Social insurance number of the contributor spouse (RRSP or RRIF)
- Box O – Withdrawal under the HBP
- Boxes provided to enter additional information
It also presents identification information you must include on the slip.