How to Complete the RL-1 Summary
Enter your name, address and identification number as shown on the remittance form (TPZ-1015.R.14.1-V, TPZ-1015.R.14.2-V, TPZ-1015.R.14.3-V or TPZ-1015.R.14.4-V, depending on your remittance frequency).
Information about RL-1, RL-2, RL-25 and RL-32 slips filed
- On line 1 (“Number of RL slips filed on paper”), enter the number of RL-1, RL-2, RL-25 and RL-32 slips you are filing by mail on paper.
- On line 2 (“Number of RL slips filed online”), enter the number of RL-1, RL-2, RL-25 and RL-32 slips you are filing online. Include any slips you are filing using the services in My Account for businesses. Also include the number of RL-1 slips that a specialized service provider filed for you using the online services in My Account for professional representatives).
- On line 3 (“Transmitter number (if applicable)”), enter the transmitter number if the RL-1, RL-2, RL-25 and RL-32 slips were filed online (in an XML file). The transmitter number is made up of the letters “NP” followed by 6 digits.