Procedure to Stop Using an SRM and How to Transfer SRM Ownership
Outside of certain exceptional circumstances, an SRM in an operating restaurant establishment should always be activated. One such exceptional circumstance is when you stop using an SRM when you close your establishment's terrace or patio for the winter.
To stop using an SRM temporarily
When you temporarily stop using an SRM, for example if you have a seasonal establishment, you have the following two options:
- You can continue to file your Sommaires périodiques des ventes (periodic sales summaries), even if they total zero.
- You can stop filing your periodic sales summaries temporarily. However, before stopping, you must deactivate your SRM and file any periodic sales summaries that have not been filed for the periods in which the SRM was activated, including the current period (the current period becomes available once you deactivate the SRM). Remember to make a backup copy of your SRM data.
For information on deactivating an SRM and reactivating it once your activities recommence, see the SRM User Guide (IN-577-V).
To stop using an SRM permanently
You may stop using the SRM permanently if, for example, you cease your business activities or declare bankruptcy. However, before stopping, you must deactivate your SRM and file any periodic sales summaries that have not been filed for the periods in which the SRM was activated, including the current period (the current period becomes available once you deactivate the SRM). Remember to make a backup copy of your SRM data.
If you have an SRM that you no longer use, see Sales Recording Module Recycling Program.
To transfer SRM ownership
Should you decide to sell your SRM or to install it in another establishment, you must first reinitialize it. Once this is done, it can be re-activated (either by a new owner or by you). For more information on reinitializing an SRM, see the SRM User Guide (IN-577-V).