Types of Organizations
Registered charities
A registered charity is a charity whose registration we have approved. Such a charity may be registered as any of the following:
- a charitable organization
- a public foundation
- a private foundation
However, its designation may be changed (for example, from a private to a public foundation) upon request or at our discretion.
A registered national arts service organization (RNASO) is considered a registered charity. It is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a charitable organization.
RNASOs are not required to file form TP-985.5-V.
Associated charities
An associated charity is a registered charity designated by the CRA as a charity associated with one or more registered charities further to an application for designation filed with the CRA. In such a case, the charity must enclose a copy of the application and a copy of the CRA's decision with the Information Return for Registered Charities and Other Donees (form TP-985.22-V) filed for the year in which the decision was rendered.
Registered cultural or communications organizations
A registered cultural or communications organization is a non-profit organization that we registered as a cultural or communications organization on the recommendation of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications.
Registered museums
A registered museum is not a registered charity or a registered cultural or communications organization. It is an organization that obtained the status of a recognized museum from the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications and that we then registered.
Recognized political education organizations
A recognized political education organization is a non-profit organization that we have recognized on the recommendation of the Minister responsible for Access to Information and the Reform of Democratic Institutions as having as its mission the promotion of Québec sovereignty or Canadian unity through educational means.