Filing Methods for the Trust Income Tax Return
Returns filed using a form
You must use form TP-646-V, Trust Income Tax Return, to file the trust income tax return.
Returns filed using software
If you acquire software from a software developer, consult the list of software authorized for filing the trust income tax return to make sure that Revenu Québec has given the software developer an authorization number for the software for the taxation year covered by the trust income tax return.
For more information, see document IN-416.A-V, Information for Software Users: Trusts.
Where to send the documents
Regardless of the filing method used, the return, schedules, forms and related documents must be sent to us by mail or by other means, on paper, at the address below that is closest to the trust's place of residence.
Québec City
Revenu Québec
3800, rue de Marly
Québec (Québec) G1X 4A5
Revenu Québec
C. P. 3000, succursale Place-Desjardins
Montréal (Québec) H5B 1A4
If the trust is resident outside Québec, the return must be sent to the Québec City office.
Effective January 1, 2024, if you are filing more than 5 RL-16 slips for a calendar year, you must send them to us online (in an XML file). The threshold for online filing was 50 RL-16 slips before that date.
For more information, see RL-16 Slip: Trust Income.